Small Claims Court

Small Claims Court
Online Dispute Resolution
We are pleased to inform you that Utah County Justice Court is now using the Utah State Court's Online Dispute Resolution program. ODR provides a platform for communication between parties, with the assistance of a facilitator, to attempt to negotiate a settlement. If a settlement is reached the necessary documents can be filed with the court through the ODR program all without having to ever appear in court. If a settlement is not reached, a trial will be scheduled.
If you are interested in learning more about ODR you can access the ODR information page
Where to File
A small claims case must be filed in the justice court where the defendant resides or where the claim arose (where the events happened).
If the defendant resides or the claim arose within a municipality and if the municipality has a justice court, file the case in the municipal justice court. If the municipality has no justice court, file the case in the county justice court. If the defendant resides or the claim arose in the unincorporated county, file the case in the county justice court. For information regarding fees check the Utah Courts Website
Use this tool to help you find a justice court by city.
Online Dispute Resolution Forms can also be found on the Utah Courts Website
For a fee, the court can provide the forms needed to file a small claims case or you can print the forms from the Utah Courts Website
If you have questions about which form(s) to use please contact the court at (801) 851-7200